Olaf Heine’s work is meticulously composed, whether he’s placed his subjects in theatrical tableaus evocative of classical Hollywood or is photographing the most important public and residential architecture of the 20th century—from Le Corbusier’s Villa Savoye outside Paris to Oscar Niemeyers Niterói Contemporary Art Museum in Rio de Janeiro.

Olaf has shot on commercial assignment for Adidas, BMW, Coca Cola, Nike and Rolex; photographed musicians, writers, actors, and athletes, including Kurt Cobain, Iggy Pop, U2, Bret Easton Ellis, TC Boyle, Selma Hayek, and Laird Hamilton; and published four photography books: “Leaving the Comfort Zone” (Hatje Cantz, 2008); “I Love You But I’ve Chosen Rock” (Hatje Cantz, 2011); “Brazil” (teNeues, 2014) and “Rwandan Daughters” (Hatje Cantz, 2019).

Olaf lives between Berlin and Los Angeles though he’s no less susceptible to the pull of the tropics, as his work in Brazil and Hawaii attests.



